miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011

Love or friendship?

What is love ? What is friendship ? When do you know if he or she is the right person for you ?

Read Nelly’s letter to the problem page of a teenage magazine:

"Hi this is my problem. I have been going out  with a boy for almost one month and a half but I am thinking of  breaking up because I used to get on really well with him but I am not so happy about our relationship now... I don’t feel so much at ease ... I wish it were  like it was before, that is to say  just very good friends ... I do not know how to tell him, could you give me some tips: Should I tell him I want to break up  and how could I tell him?
 "I thought it would be better to meet him somewhere to talk to him because I'm not the one to say that on the phone or just by sending a message ... Also I would like to know : How shall I know if it’s real love or just friendship? But I think I am making  the right decision because if I really loved him I would probably try to see him more  more often but this is not really the case ... Thank you!

How to give advice
Why don’t you... You should... If I were you....  I would....You’d better.... You could...

Now write your answer to Nelly’s problem Using Words of advice

The speciallist answer

Exine is the  adviser/ councellor/expert. Read her answer and say what you agree with or don’t agree with.
Miss Exine: Hi Nelly
You're 100% right in wanting to take the time to have a cool discussion with him. If you don’t want to regret  anything, do not break up flatly but you should inform him of  your intention. Why don’t the two of you think over it with a clear head?If I were you I would get his opinion on the subject. Tell him you don’t feel  the same freedom of expression as before.
It could be that you are not really ready to get more involved in a love relationship That could explain your confusion and your discomfort. . Explain that you need more of  a  loving friendship to will give you all the chances and possibilities of change. Whatever the outcome, at worst, you will remain friends, and there will be  no cries, no tears, no harassment! Go back to went everything was fine. You could explain to him that your relationship has become too involved and you don’t feel ready for that!

Reading activity

A good friend is someone who thinks about you and who can say “No” to you when it is necessary. Good friends have the same interests and hobbies and probably like the same kind of music and  clothes.
        However, for the students of Westminster School, the most important aspect of friendship, is to trust in each other. Sarah, William, Jane and Tom are going to say what they think about friendship:
Sarah Potter: My good friends are Jane and Anna. I met Jane when I was five and Anna when I was thirteen. Jane is honest and sincere. Jane is my best friend.
William Curry: Tom and I do everything together. We love to play football. Tom is a great football player.  We haven´t secrets to each other. Tom is very happy and funny and he always makes me laugh. We are best friends.
Jane Thomson: For me friendship is about love.  Sarah is my best friend because she cares about me. That´s why she is so important to me.
Tom Granger:  Me and my friends are like one big, happy family. I feel very good when I am close to my friends because I know I can trust in them. William is a wonderful friend.

1.    Answer these questions:

                  What school do these students attend?
                  Who are Sarah´s friends?
                  Is Tom funny?

                                          Why is Sarah important to Jane?
1.     Say if these sentences are true or false:

                                    Good friends have the same interests and hobbies._______
                                     Tom and William love to play tennis together._________
                                     William isn´t a wonderful friend._________
                                     Sarah is Jane´s best friend.________

2.5.Correct the false sentences:

miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2011

Before you read, look at the picture and read the title of the story.  

1. Circle your answers and write them on the lines.     

                 happy    sad    friends

a)     These people are ______________.
b)    They are ____________________.

     2.  Think about your friends. What do you do together? Write two sentences.

My friend and_________________________________________________


Friendship is good for your health

Karen Casey was very unhappy all the time. She didn`t have any friends to talk to. She was depressed. Depression is very serious. Many depressed people need medicine to be healthy and feel better. But some depressed people don`t need medicine, they need a good friend.
Some scientists studied a group of depressed people. They wanted to help them. They studied Karen and some other people. The scientists didn`t give medicine to Karen and the others. Instead, each depressed person made a new friend. The scientists thought that friendship would make these people healthy.
Karen and her new friend, Emily, met often. They went for coffee, to dinner, or to the movies together. Karen slowly started to feel better and she talked about their problems to Emily too. Karen had a problem with her job. She was very depressed at work. She worked a lot of hours but her boss didn`t pay her better. She was afraid of talking to her boss about it. Karen talked about this problem with Emily. After that, Emily didn`t feel afraid anymore. Then, she talked to her boss and he agreed to give her more money. Now Karen is happy at work too.
After one year, many of the other people felt happy too. They didn`t need medicine to feel better. Their new friends were good for their health.

3.      What is the most important idea of the story? tick the right answer

            _____All depressed people need medicine.

                _____ Our friends can make us happy and healthy.

                           _____Karen didn`t have a job.

 4. Answer:

a)  Do you agree with the idea of the text?

b) Do you have many friends?

6. In your notebook, write a paragraph about what you and your best friend have or don`t have in common.


miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2011

You've got a friend

There are a lot of songs about friendship, but this in particular is a classic...listen the song and complete the following listening activities.



When____________ and troubled
and you need a _________ _________
and nothing, nothing is _____________.
and soon I will be there
to ________________________ even your darkest nights.


name,/ just //my /out / call You
I am /you/ /wherever/ know / and
oh yeah / come / I'll / baby / running
again / to /you/ see
summer / spring/ fall / Winter / or
have to / is / do/ all /you / call |
yeah, yeah, yeah. /there / I'll be / and
a  / friend / You've / got/


If the sky upon you _____________
should turn clear and full of clouds __________
and that old west wind should begin to blow _________
Keep your hands together and call my name out loud _______________
and soon I would be knocking upon your door. ____________


Just ___________________________ name                                                                                                                                             And ____________________________ I’m                                                                                                                                                I’ll ________________________________ again                                                                                                                               Winter _______________________________ fall                                                                                                                            All __________________________________ call                                                                                                                         And ________________________________ yeah


Hey, ain't it good to _______ that you've got a friend? (wkno)
People can be so _________. (dolc)
They'll hurt you and __________  you. (resetd)
Well they'll take your _______ if you let them. (lous)
Oh yeah, but don't you let them.

F. WRITE DOWN what you understand about the song

g. Look for a song about frienship and share it on you blog

viernes, 19 de agosto de 2011

4th activity: "My BFF"

1.Write about your best friend. ho is she/he?. describe his/her personality and talk about how you meet.
2.write about the best anecdote you share or the best moment you have had.

sábado, 30 de julio de 2011

2nd activity: Thursday 4th's class

1. What do you think this quote means?
2. Create your own quote.

Examples of quotes: 

"A friend is someone who believes on you when you have ceased to believe on yourself"
" A real friend is someone who walk is when the rest of the world walks out"
"Friendship is a light in the darkness"
"Friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know they are there"

1st Unit: "FRIENDSHIP"

As you can see the first unit is related to frienship and our first activity is a questinaire of 12 questions where you will be able to express your ideas about this topic.


   Friendship Questionnaire

1. What qualities do you look for in a friend?
2. Are friends more important to you now than they were at high school? Why?
3.  How can you be a good friend? Give an example.
4. What's the difference between a friend and an acquaintance?
5. A true friend is somebody who knows everything about you and still likes you. What do you 
think that means?
6.  Why do friends drift apart?
7. What is a "best friend?" 
8. Is there a difference between popularity and friendship?  What?
10. What do you do if you want a person you have just met to become a part of your group, but 
the others don't want to have anything to do with this new person?
11. What are the benefits of having friends who are different from us?
12. Why might friendships break up?

Rubrica para evaluar textos escritos

Rubrica para evaluar textos escritos

Logrado:  2 puntos
Medianamente logrado:  1punto
No logrado: 0 puntos

No logrado
El texto cumple con su función (informar convencer, argumentar)

El texto se ajusta a lo solicitado(titulo, inicio, desarrollo, cierre, tema, Nº de párrafos)

El texto presenta concordancia gramatical adecuada.

El texto presenta un vocabulario apropiado y variado.

El texto contiene ideas claras, bien sustentadas y desarrolladas.

Texto bien organizado, con una secuencia lógica de ideas.

Indicaciones Generales

- Todas las actividades deben subirse en su blog el día que tengamos clases, de lo contrario las considerare como no realizadas.
- Su blog debe contener una introducción, en donde ustedes se presenten y hablen un poquito de quienes son.
- No esta demás mencionar que tanto el blog como las respuestas a las actividades son PERSONALES, y quienes se copien las respuestas serán evaluados con la nota mínima.
-Cada actividad hecha en clases tendrá una nota acumulativa, que al final de cada unidad se traducirá en una Nota.
-El blog en sus totalidad sera evaluado con nota coef 2 al final del semestre.
- Todos los textos escritos que ustedes tengan que producir, serán evaluados en base a  una rubrica de evaluación que subiré también a este blog.


Hello students!
This semester I've decided to work with a blog, because I think it would be easier for us and specially for you to work on the given activities, since you have  a series of  avalaible tools for you on line like dictionaries.
In this blog you will find all the activities related to the units we will be studying during this second semester.
I hope you can take adventage of the opportunities I'm giving you, as you can see  this subject is not difficult, you just have to work in classes and ask me for all the doubts you may have, and I'm sure you will get good grades.
I also hope you have a nice second semester
